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Hawk’s Cry Purification Lodges  
March 9, April 12, May 3, June 2025

Introducing a series of four ceremonies
to heal our relationship with our ‘Shields’.

These ceremonies can be done consecutively or stand alone.

What are ‘Shields’?

‘Shields’ are force fields of energy within our luminosity (energy body).  Each has an identity, a part of our personality; a reflection of who we really are. As we mature and heal through these shields, we experience deeper connection to our potential as a human being.

A family of five Shields
We experience the shields in different life situations, depending on our maturity and presence. The Child Substance Shield can manifest as wounded, and abandoned, or innocent playful and curious.
Our adventurous
Child Spirit Shield fearlessly follows their own evolution and journey towards enlightenment, by jumping into the unknown.
The ‘Adult Substance Shield’ knows how to take care of business in day-to-day life but can also be manipulative or irresponsible. 
Our inner warrior, who understands physical mastery, is known as the
‘Adult Spirit Shield’.  She/he is also our magician and healer. 
Finally, our ‘Elder Shield’ is like a wise, benevolent Grandmother/Grandfather and is always connected to the Great Spirit.
Sunday 9 March 2025 Child Substance Shield   Registration open - see below
Girl Blowing Bubbles
Young Boys Racing Wearing Watermelon Helmets
crying kid.jpg
We experience life through this shield from birth to around puberty and late teens.  However, even as adults, this shield can be experienced as wounded and dysfunctional.
Tough childhood experiences can remerge as stories and pain tapes long after they serve us. By taking responsibility for our needs and having forgiveness for ourselves and others, we can reclaim the natural childlike innocence, playfulness and wonder that this child knows.
In the teachings and ceremony, we will explore how healing our ‘little girl’ or ‘little boy’, can transform our relationship with ourselves and the opposite gender.

If this is your first time participating in one of our ceremonies welcome!
Please scroll down and read the general information on Purification Lodges.

Child Substance Shield  Community Purification Lodge
Child Substance Shield  Community Purification Lodge
Mar 09, 2025, 12:00 PM
Hawks Cry Lodge
The first in our series of four ceremonies to heal our relationship with our ‘shields’. The ceremonies can be done consecutively or stand alone.

Upcoming Series

What is a purification lodge?

​Entering a Purification Lodge is going into the womb of Grandmother Earth.  As we pray for our heart’s desire and giveaway the causes of pain in our lives, we deepen our connection to Spirit and each other.

Everyone’s experience is personal, and each ceremony is different. Participants often experience a deep sense of calm, universal love, a quiet mind, physical relaxation, and spiritual vision.


What do newcomers need to know?

First-timers are given a full description of the ceremony when they attend, and instructions along the way. If you are coming for the first time it is important that we are in contact with you before you arrive. 

You are welcome to ask questions at any time and let the person leading the ceremony know if you need support.

What to bring:


  • something loose to wear like a sarong, shorts and t-shirt, or a thin dress.

  • a coat and shoes/boots to walk down to the Lodge, depending on weather. 

  • Two towels – one for inside the Lodge and one for when you come out.

  • A non-breakable water container.

  • A snack if you think you will need it.

  • A flashlight (for evening ceremonies).

  • Medicine gifts and a donation to costs of running the Lodge. (See below for more info).


The structure of the lodge is made in a specific alchemical way to receive the energies and powers of the Universe. During the ceremony, hot rocks create steam which works with our prayers to increase our vibration.

The ceremony takes about 1 – 1.5 hours, during which time the door is opened at intervals.  If someone needs to go out they can sit on the outside until such a time as they may choose to come back in.  Some people are naked inside the lodge and others wear loose fitting clothing such as a sarong or shorts. After the ceremony we enjoy homemade soup together.  

We do not charge for ceremony

but we do ask you to contribute in the following ways:

  • 2 volunteers to make pots of soup (enough for ten people, each)

  • Bring Medicine Gifts for the person organizing and leading the ceremony, and the three fire crew (see below)

  • Make a financial donation towards our running costs (see below)

  • Share rides to the venue – at least 3 people per car - to keep our neighbors happy, keep road maintenance costs to a minimum and care for the environment.

  • Bring your own copies of waivers – ready signed

You will be sent more information about these contributions, what to bring, and where to come when you register. 


Help with the Fire Crew?

This is a magickal way to experience a Purification Lodge ceremony. You will help set up the space and carry hot rocks into the Lodge.

Full training is given.

Medicine gifts and tobacco

We do not charge for ceremony but we ask that you bring a Medicine or Heart Gift for the people whose work has enabled your ceremony to take place. This is part of the Protocol of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and ensures that participants do not become indebted to anyone for their healing.


Those who receive the gifts and tobacco are the Dance Chief (person leading the ceremony), and the Fire Crew (three people attending the fire and taking care of the space). It is important you feel good about what you give. The most popular gift is cash/ venmo/ PayPal towards particular projects or training we are saving for - the least popular is something you don't want anymore!


Please also give a small amount of tobacco to the Dance Chief and Fire Crew. This represents your commitment to engage fully with the ceremony. A pinch of tobacco tied in a small piece of cloth works well.


We also request a donation towards the maintenance of the Lodge and equipment.  Each ceremony costs $140-175 for fuel, repairs to the custom-built gas system, canvas replacement and other repairs to the lodge, website costs, and site maintenance, (for example the canvas covering the lodge costs $900, every 2-3 years).




An email will be sent to help with organizing carpooling for each Purification Lodge. It is very important that we limit the number of cars parked at the lodge. Most importantly, we are obliged to preserve access for emergency vehicles.  In addition we want to keep the impact on our neighbors and on the driveway to a minimum. Please share a vehicle with at least two other people who are coming up the main road to the Lodge (almost everybody has to come that way). You will be given information on how to contact others who are attending after you register. During the winter 4WD/AWD vehicles are essential.

Kayaking into Sunset_edited.jpg
Hawks Cry Lodge
Boulder CO

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